Tag From SmiLing
Nah kan kemarin di
SINI aku udah tulis rules sama orang yang harus isi tagku, sekarang aku mau jawab tag dari kak
Syifa dan di bawahnya aku tambah lagi my question 6 buah, supaya pas 11
Ayo langsung saja :
Are you love your parents?
Of course!
What is your astrological?
What music you like?
Mayonaka No Door and Toori Ame ( PowerPuff Girls Z )
If you got $45.000 what do you want to buy?
Laptops, Comic Powerpuff Girls Z, Modem, Mobile BlackBerry, and other Are you have a strange addiction?
Do you love "zombie"?
Why you like blogging?
Because blogging is fun and can have lots of friends
What weather do you like?
When you starting blogging?
17th September 2010
Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend?
You prefer Japanese or Korean?
My Second Question
Do you like Spongebob Squarepants?
What do you like most from blogging?
What do you like from Urfie's Blog?
Do you like PowerPuff Girls Z?
You have a Facebook or Twitter or no two - both?
What are the TV broadcasts that you like?
Want to see my first question and friends who I gave the question above? click
Ok semua sampai gitu aja
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Labels: tag