Liebster Award & Tag From Hana Sakura.
9/5/12 • 5.9.12 • 0 Commenter [s]
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
I've got a Liebster Award & Tag Again!
But, this is from Hana Sakura! Thanks!
Rules 1. Write 11 things 'bout yourself 2. Answer questions from people who tag you 3. Make 11 question for people who you want to tag 4. Put links from people who you want tagged in 5. Tell them if they have receive an award 6. Don't tag back 11 Things About Me
Hana Sakura's Q What's your name? Urfi Your date of birth? 30 June 2001 Do you like anime or manga? Tell me what's you like most! Anime!! Have a Twitter account? Username? @Naisu_ra How about Tumblr? Sorry, I not understand about Tumblr, and i have'nt tumblr account. Nee, how bout DeviantArt? Naisura Do you hate something? What's that? The shockers, & more Do you like reading light novel or manga? Manga (read in Indonesian : Man-ga, not Ma-nga.) What's your fav color(s)? Pink, blue, & more Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Never. Have a pet? Not My Question : 1. Your favorite colour? 2. Your favorite blog? 3. Favorite food? 4. Favorite drink? 5. Are you like anime? If you like, what's your fav anime? 6. Are you like answer tag? Why? 7. Fav gadget? 8. Your school? 9. Comic or Anime? 10. Anime sub Indonesian or English? 11. Your fav gadget? This tag is free, so if you want answer this tag, take this! Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb. Labels: tag |
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